
How to customize the CSS or create new theme

The CSS of Real Uploader can be change to meet your page requirements. By default Real Uploader provides 4 themes that basically are just CSS rules used to style the uploader style. The Commercial version of Real Uploader provides SASS files and full source code. This will allow developers to create new themes or customize existing ones. CSS can be customized by following these simple rules:

  • Preserve the CSS class of elements. The mainTemplate and the fileTemplate should preserve class names in order for the uploader to work.
  • New custom CSS classes can be added to elements and to theme.
The defaults themes includes all necessary in a single CSS file, including images used for buttons icons. All icons used are in SVG format, this can allow resize and responsive design of the uploader.
The following images provides a preview of the themes:

Minimal Theme

The Minimal Theme provides a simple style, without images and icons, just simple text and HTML. Best suite when need to provide a neutral theme in a web site. The file list here is vertical as list.

Minimal Theme

Classic Theme

Classic themes is made up with normal buttons (bootstrap style) and the file list is inline floated to left.

Classic Theme

Circle Theme

This theme is an example of extreme customization. All buttons are circles and file list is vertical.

Circle Theme