Browser support

Real Uploader supports only modern browser satisfying a set of HTML5 features.

Supported and tested browsers:

Real Uploader is an evolution of Real Ajax Uploader. Real Uploader has been tested and works will all features with the following browser.
  • IE10+
  • Firefox 4+
  • Chrome
  • Safari 6+
  • Safari mobile
  • Chrome mobile
  • iOS 8, iOS 9, Android 5

Old browsers like IE8 or IE9 will not be supported. Real Ajax Uploader version 3 supported old browser using Flash. Flash support has been dropped for different security/performance problems and has been replaced by the HTML5 which is supported by the major browsers.

Minimum of HTML5 to meet for the uploader to work:

Old browsers like IE8 or IE9 will not be supported. Real Ajax Uploader version 3 supported old browser using Flash. Flash support has been dropped for different security problems and the growth for HTML5.

Request of support of bugs for browsers that do not support the above requirements will not be resolved. For old browser support consider using Real Ajax Uploader version 3.

HTML5 features to meet for the uploader to work will all features:

Real Uploader will need the follow HTML5 features to use all options included