
Real Uploader has unique features that make it different from the other ajax uploaders on the web.

HTML5 File Api

New File Api is used to upload files with the XmlHttpRequest object. It was introduced in Firefox 3.5 for the first time in 2010. Also FormData is used as last method for html5 file upload with file api. Modern, fast and secure.

Drag & Drop

Upload files with the simplicity of Drag & Drop from desktop to browser. See example

Image Preview

Web images (JPG, PNG and GIF) can be shown in the browser before the upload starts. Real Uploader creates image previews but also avoids hanging browser memory. See example

Parallel Uploads

Ajax request are asynchronous so our file uploads can be done in parallel allowing the upload of more files in the same time. See example

File MD5 calculation *

Calculate file md5 before uploaded on server. With this option user can verify on server side if file is correct or already uploaded. Fast and secure uses WebWorkers has been tested with files up to 4GB. See example

Progress information

Real Uploader will give real progress for every action: upload, image resize and file md5 calculation. See example

JPEG Exif extractor

Exif information will be read by the uploader, shown to the user and sent to the server on upload. See example

Free-freeze system

Real Uploader is the only file uploader that implements a free of freeze system for big file uploads. On several ajax request many servers will hang connection. The Real Ajax Uploader prevents this situation.

Callbacks and Events

Real Uploader has multiple events and callbacks that you can bind at the initialize or during runtime. Multiple binds can be added to the same event.

Image Resize before upload *

Images can be scaled by the browser before uploading them to the server. Real Uploader provides 4 different methods for resizing the images with the best quality and the fastest performance. Images are scaled within 1 second. See example

File exist check

Real Uploader can be configured to check the existence of the file on the server and prompt the user for action, override or stop upload the file upload.


Real Uploader comes with 5 languages integrated by default. It will detect the current browser language and set the correct translation to the strings.

Wordpress Version

Use the WordPress version on your WordPress site. With just simple clicks you can configure the uploader, no need to write a line of code. Allow uploads on comments and sends email notifications. See demo here Demo.

File Upload Checksum

Calculate MD5 on client and compares it with server side to verify the correct file upload without corruption.


Current server side scripts implemented for PHP and JSP. Next ASPX.

* Some features are available only with the Commercial license